The American Planning Association Mississippi Chapter (APA Mississippi) honors innovative planning efforts and inspiring individuals with its 2024 Annual Awards. APA Mississippi’s awards program is a proud tradition established to recognize outstanding community plans, planning programs and initiatives, public education efforts, and individuals for their leadership on planning issues. These efforts help create communities of lasting value throughout the state.

These awards are selected through a juried process and will be awarded at the October Annual Alabama/Mississippi Joint Conference Awards Program.

Past winners can be viewed on our 2017 Chapter Awards Page, 2018 Chapter Awards Page and 2019 Chapter Awards Page.

2024 Award Categories and Forms

Nominations are due by Friday, September 13th, 2024:

Outstanding Large Project -

This award recognizes an outstanding comprehensive plan, general plan, or related document that advances the art and science of planning for a municipality, county, or region. Examples include comprehensive plans, master plans, regional plans, and related regulatory documents such as comprehensive zoning ordinances, form-based codes, unified development codes, etc. Two levels of the award are given – one for a community over 15,000 and one for a community under 15,000.

Outstanding Large Project over 15k Nomination Form

Outstanding Large Project Under 15k Nomination ForM

Best Small Area Project -

This award recognizes an outstanding small area plan that advances the art and science of planning for a community, county, or region. Examples include neighborhood plans, downtown plans, district plans, corridor plans, college or university campus plans, military base plans, and other plans for small discrete (self-contained) areas. This award is given for an area that is smaller than an entire jurisdiction, without regard to population size.

best small area project NOMINATION form

Public Outreach Effort by a Community -

This award recognizes a community project, program, or initiative that uses information and education about the value of planning to create greater awareness among citizens generally or to specific segments of the public. The award celebrates how planning improves a community’s quality of life. Examples include community efforts to teach and demonstrate how planning can make a difference, neighborhood empowerment programs, use of technology to expand public participation in planning, newspaper articles, a series of blog posts, publications, websites, podcasts, and/or films about planning.

public outreach effort Nomination Form

Planning Advocate -

This award honors an individual appointed or elected official who has advanced or promoted the cause of planning in the public arena. Examples include engaged citizens demonstrating outstanding leadership in a community, region, or state; members of planning commissions, board of appeals, economic development boards, environmental or historic preservation councils, or other appointed officials; elected officials holding office at the local, regional, or state level; and citizen activists or neighborhood leaders.

planning advocate nomination form

Randy Meador Lifetime Achievement Award -

This award recognizes the contributions of an individual who has made significant personal and direct contributions to the profession of planning in Mississippi. The Lifetime Achievement award honors an individual whose cumulative body of work has meaningfully and positively impacted planning practice, education, and/or theory with long-term, lasting results. This award is APA Mississippi’s highest level of recognition for a professional planner and is intended to honor individuals who have made the greatest contributions to planning in the State of Mississippi over the course of their life and/or career. Awards may be given posthumously.

Randy meador lifetime achievement Nomination ForM

Chapter President’s Award -

This award is given to an individual or group based on outstanding service and contributions to the planning profession. This award is selected and given by the Chapter President of APA Mississippi.